Cancer Active
A not-for-profit Cancer Charity concerned with the provision of information about cancer. Empowering people to increase their personal odds of beating cancer

CANCERactive is a Complementary and Integrative not-for-profit cancer charity. They aim to provide more informed, personal choices about cancer treatment options and do this in an objective, balanced way. Providing all the information, not just on orthodox cancer treatments, but on complementary and integrative cancer therapies too.
The Challenge
CANCERactive required a Freephone number to encourage trust and make it easy for people to call their organisation. They also needed the number to be national in order to offer their help and advice across the UK and not appear limited to a particular location. They also wanted caller insight and understand where their calls were coming from, durations and also frequency of calls.
Telecoms World Solution
Telecoms World have access to thousands of 0300 Numbers, which are exclusively for use by charities and not-for-profit organisations. We provided CANCERactive with an 0300 Number which is free to call from any phone (including mobiles) and easy to remember. Along with our online Call Management with Call Routing and Call Analytics products, we were able to fulfil the requirements of CANCERactive.
CANCERactive are really seeing an increase in calls to their 0300 number and impressed with the detailed analytics they can review through our online Call Management. With access to up-to-date Call Analytics including length of call, number of calls, call patterns and call locations which help them understand where calls are coming from and how many repeat callers they get.
Customer Requirements
- Memorable number
- Caller insight
- Online call control
Solution Components
- Online Call Management
- Call Analytics
- Memorable 0300 Number