Innovation Lab
Real-Time Call Data

Measuring the success of marketing campaigns and understanding the return on investment can be difficult to quantify without the correct tools and information. One of the best ways to truly get the most out of business activities such as sales and marketing is by examining the results, which will allow better focus on marketing efforts, boost sales and increase customer satisfaction. Before you spend any more money on marketing your business, do you really know if it’s worth the money?
Even once the calls start coming through, do you know how your staff is handling them? Detailed analytics such as viewing which customers have called and their geographical location, how long the call lasted and if they called more than once allows you to gain valuable market insight. Research has suggested that giving employees access to this information and controlling their own data can significantly improve morale. Empowering staff by setting realistic KPI's can lead to a more efficient and productive workforce.
Telecoms World’s Call Analytics product gives you real-time insight into each of your business numbers, such as comparing call volumes, call durations and missed calls. Our online dashboard gives you real-time control of your numbers and gives you access to a wealth of features to use your numbers effectively. You can change where your number points to at the click of a button and get detailed analytics on your numbers to review marketing or staff performance.
By marketing your business in local advertising media such as newspapers, magazines and web searches with different phone numbers, you can review the true ROI on your spending and adjust your marketing plan accordingly. Reviewing which number is performing best and generating sales for your business; allows you to promote your business efficiently. Alternatively, use it to gain a thorough understanding of how calls are handled by yourself and/or staff to help monitor staff performance and set new KPI's and targets. How many rings before a call is answered, call duration, missed calls etc.
Dynamic graphs and charts
Quick data downloads
Monitor and manage call flow
Detailed marketing analytics
Capture customer demographic data
Track call conversions
Measure marketing performance & ROI
Monitor overall staff performance