Professional Voice Recordings
Our premium voice recordings for your telephone scripts
Professional male and female voices available
Choose the perfect voice to enhance your brand image
One voice across all our your systems and messages
Create a perfect first impression of your business to your callers
Complete your details below and a member of our team will respond to you shortly (Mon-Fri)
You only get one chance to make a good first impression
Upgrade to our professional voice artists, our range of male and female voice artists are at hand to record your telephone messages and set the right tone for your business; to best represent your brand on a telephone call. The recorded messages can be tailored to your needs, such as music, tone & length of audio. Various languages and levels of enthusiasm can be discussed with your submitted script.

Hear example Voice Artists

Professional Recordings for Voicemail and Greetings
Choose a voice that echos your brand ethos and creates a professional image of your company to anyone that calls your phone number.
We create HD (High Definition) audio files using professional using cutting-edge sound recording technology
Regardless of the time of day or your availability to answer incoming business calls, the Virtual Receptionist handles each call with care.
We offer a wide range of male and female professional voice recordings, which are perfect to match the tone of voice you prefer
Using the Virtual Receptionist, if you are unable to answer the phone call, a greeting message will play and capture the calls for your to call back.
Greet your callers with a professional phone message recording and improve customer care using the right voice to engage or comfort listeners.
If a call is made to your business outside of working hours, a greeting message will play and the callers details captured for your to call back.
Our professional voice recordings specialise in script reading and audio editing to deliver your recordings within days.
If a call is made to your business outside of working hours, a greeting message will play and the callers details captured for your to call back.
Keep your company brand messages consistent using our professional voice recording artists across your marketing media.
Professional Recordings for Voicemail and Greetings
We create HD (High Definition) audio files using professional using cutting-edge sound recording technology
We offer a wide range of male and female professional voice recordings, which are perfect to match the tone of voice you prefer
Greet your callers with a professional phone message recording and improve customer care using the right voice to engage or comfort listeners.
Our professional voice recordings specialise in script reading and audio editing to deliver your recordings within days.
Keep your company brand messages consistent using our professional voice recording artists across your marketing media.
Professional Recordings for Voicemail and Greetings
We create HD (High Definition) audio files using professional using cutting-edge sound recording technology.
We create HD (High Definition) audio files using professional using cutting-edge sound recording technology.
We offer a wide range of male and female professional voice recordings, which are perfect to match the tone of voice you prefer.
We offer a wide range of male and female professional voice recordings, which are perfect to match the tone of voice you prefer.
Greet your callers with a professional phone message recording and improve customer care using the right voice to engage or comfort listeners.
Greet your callers with a professional phone message recording and improve customer care using the right voice to engage or comfort listeners.
Keep your company brand messages consistent using our professional voice recording artists across your marketing media.
Keep your company brand messages consistent using our professional voice recording artists across your marketing media.
Professional Recordings for Voicemail and Greetings
We create HD (High Definition) audio files using professional using cutting-edge sound recording technology
We create HD (High Definition) audio files using professional using cutting-edge sound recording technology
We offer a wide range of male and female professional voice recordings, which are perfect to match the tone of voice you prefer
We offer a wide range of male and female professional voice recordings, which are perfect to match the tone of voice you prefer
Greet your callers with a professional phone message recording and improve customer care using the right voice to engage or comfort listeners.
Greet your callers with a professional phone message recording and improve customer care using the right voice to engage or comfort listeners.
Keep your company brand messages consistent using our professional voice recording artists across your marketing media.
Keep your company brand messages consistent using our professional voice recording artists across your marketing media.
Our professional voice recordings specialise in script reading and audio editing to deliver your recordings within days.
Our professional voice recordings specialise in script reading and audio editing to deliver your recordings within days.
Should you require professional phone message recordings in different languages for audios oversees, then our team offer a range of languages.
Should you require professional phone message recordings in different languages for audios oversees, then our team offer a range of languages.
Should you require professional phone message recordings in different languages for audios oversees, then our team offer a range of languages.
Should you require professional phone message recordings in different languages for audios oversees, then our team offer a range of languages.
Should you require professional phone message recordings in different languages for audios oversees, then our team offer a range of languages.
Should you require professional phone message recordings in different languages for audios oversees, then our team offer a range of languages.
Large corporations use voice recording artists for radio, television and promotional messages to enhance their brand and promote a clear message to their target audience. It can be a great addition for your business to use professional phone message recordings on telephone announcements, including welcome messages, keypad options, on-hold messages, etc.
Bespoke voice recordings for your business telephone system will support your brand and help your company convey a professional image; to attract new business and stand out from competitors. Adopting professional phone message recordings ensure that the perfect first impression is maintained with every call.
Phone message recordings can be added to any of our business phone numbers and can be customised to suit your specific requirements. You can create a script in text format with an outline of the type of voice required, i.e. female voice, bubbly, friendly (not overly enthusiastic). Choose from one of our voice artists below, and they will record the file in .wav or .mp3 format.
No problem, give us a call and we can have a script recorded to fit your needs.

"Our Professional Voice recordings help your business stand out from its competitors with quick turnaround times and numerous voices to choose from. Contact me today to learn more about making the perfect first impression."